
Informed Families Catalyst

President's Message - December 2020

Posted by Peggy B. Sapp, President & CEO on December 1, 2020 at 6:00 AM

What Makes You Happy?

We’ve all heard of Einstein’s Theory E = mc2. We may not understand the theory, but we’ve heard of it. Notice how the world keeps working without trying to understand or control how it works.

2017 Approved Peggy Sapp headshot

Einstein also wrote the Theory of Happiness: “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with the constant restlessness.”  It is important to understand this theory and in order to do so, we need to analyze and apply the theory to our own lives.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory that is frequently quoted. It states that as humans meet 'basic needs', they seek to satisfy successively 'higher needs' that occupy a set hierarchy. Society and culture make us believe that we must complete one more thing, take one more trip, buy one more item, etc. Then, and only then, we will find happiness.  This creates a restlessness cycle: the need to do something, prove something, be something we’re not. We have trouble just being.  We are Human Beings, not Human Doings. We become confused.

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The global pandemic has made us all cut back, stop, or modify our behavior; but the restrictions don’t necessarily quiet the mind and modify our moods for the better.

Ask yourself, what is your definition of success?  Can you provide for yourself? Do you have a roof over your head?  Food on the table? These are the basic human needs unless you fall into the world where the advertising makes you believe you never have the ”right clothes, food, body shape, house, etc.” What a trap…it makes us restless.

This holiday season, Informed Families is going to donate to 2 people featured in The Miami Herald Wish Book.

For anyone who has been blessed, or cursed, with abundance and can’t find their way to happiness, read about Joan Pratt and Michael Torres.


- Peggy Sapp

Topics: President's Message

About Us

We teach people how to say no to drugs and how to make healthy choices. To reduce the demand for drugs, Informed Families has focused its efforts on educating and mobilizing the community, parents and young people in order to change attitudes. In this way we counteract the pressures in society that condone and promote drug and alcohol use and abuse. The organization educates thousands of families annually about how to stay drug and alcohol free through networking and a variety of programs and services .

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