Parent Peer Groups

Proven Substance Abuse Prevention Techniques for You and Your Children
The Parent Peer Group (PPG) is an educational support system for parents. PPGs create fun, frequent opportunities for parents to share thoughts, activities and philosophies on "what works".
The initial four sessions will focus on four key topics called agendas:
- Brain Development - How the teen brain develops and the harmful affects of drugs and alcohol.
- Harmful Media - Understanding media (TV, Internet, Radio, Print) messages and changing their impact in your home.
- Social Norms - Identifying and changing social norms affecting your family.
- Building Parent Peer Groups - How to create and expand the positive impact of Parent Peer Groups in your community.
Parent Peer Group Leader Resources
Ready to get started facilitating your own Parent Peer Groups? Here are a few reminders and important links:
- Inform your Informed Families contact of intention to hold a Parent Peer Group.
- Send participants agenda or link to agenda information that will be discussed.
- Have participants sign an attendance sheet or save a screenshot of virtual participants.
- Have participants complete pre/post test
- Return: Invoice, PPK Leader Contract, W-9, attendance to your Informed Families contact.
Remember when conducting the group session(s), you can provide all 4 agendas on the same day or break it up. For your convenience, I am including the paper-based tests and answer keys.
In a nut-shell, whenever you conduct your group session(s), you’ll need the following:
- Sign-in sheet
- Demographic forms
- Pre/post tests
- Satisfaction survey
- Invoice
PowerPoint Presentation
Participant Survey Links
- PPG Pre-Test
- PPG Post-Test
- Demographics IF Survey
- IF Satisfaction Survey
- PPG Agendas Pre and Post and Answer Key (Revised)
Payment Documents
Would You Like a PPG in Your Community?
The goal of a Parent Peer Group is to provide parents the skills to set boundaries and monitor their children's behavior by creating an informal support system with their children's friends parents and in their children's schools. By fostering communication between parents, Parent Peer Groups help parents maintain a healthy environment for their children, keeping them safe, healthy, and drug-free.
If you would like to start a PPG in your neighborhood or just find out more information about attending one, call Informed Families at 305-856-4886 or email the Statewide Program Director, Christine Stilwell.
- Miami Area: Christine Stilwell
- Orlando Area: Christine Stilwell
Coming Soon
Attend a Parent Peer Group online. Informed Families is working to expand the Parent Network. Look for opportunities to participate in online parent forums and more video based versions of our Parent Pilot Kit (PPK) coming soon.
Want to purchase your Parent Pilot Kit? Click Here