When You Are Out Of Town
Homes where parents are absent are frequent party sites. Inform your teens that under no circumstances are they allowed to have guests when no parent is home. Go over their responsibilities and the consequences of their actions.
Have a responsible adult live in your home during your absence or have your teenager stay with a responsible adult. Explain to them your family policy and rules for parties.
Teach your teens that that they cannot attend a party where no parent is present.
Inform your neighbors that you are out of town and to call you or the police if any suspicious activity is witnessed. Let your neighbor know that no teen parties are allowed.
Call the parents of your teen’s friends and let them know the dates you will not be home.
Take inventory of medicines and lock your medicines away.
If a party is held, find out who attended and contact their parents as soon as possible.
Know Your Responsibilities
It is illegal to allow anyone under the age of 21 to drink alcohol on your property.
You can be held liable both civilly and criminally if any person under the age of 21 has been drinking in your home.
You are also responsible to ensure that no one is bringing drugs into your home or using drugs on the premises.
Discuss rules and consequences for breaking rules with your teens often. Make sure they understand the dangers of drugs and alcohol and your no tolerance policy.
Staying in town?
Is your teen attending a party? Here’s what you need to know to keep him/her safe.
Are you hosting a party for your pre-teen or teen? Take these steps to prevent things from getting out of hand.