When Your Teen Is Attending A Party
First, discuss the details of the party with your teen, what your expectations are for behavior and rules about alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Talk about curfew, rides to and from the party and what happens in the event of an emergency. Ask them “what would you do if” questions and discuss possible scenarios. Then:
Personally contact the party host (parent) and:
- Introduce yourself and let the host know the name of your teen.
- Ask for the address, occasion and time of the party.
- Let the host know that your teen is not allowed to drink or smoke.
- Ask if any alcohol will be served or allowed to be brought in by other guests.
- Ask if there will be parental supervisor throughout the event.
- Offer your phone number to the party host.
Discuss these issues with your teen before the party:
- Agree on the curfew.
- Know how your teen will get to and from the party.
- Create a rule for calling and or texting to let you know when they have arrived to and when they are leaving from the party.
- Create a rule about a change of plan or driver.
- Make sure you discuss the fact that a change in plans needs your prior approval.
- Make sure your teen can reach you for a ride home if necessary.
- Discuss what your teen should do if alcohol, tobacco or drugs are present at the party.
- Make sure your teen knows that is never acceptable to get into a car with someone who has been drinking or using drugs.
If, after the party, you find out that there was drinking, tobacco or drugs at the party:
- Call the party host and discuss your disapproval.
- Discuss the legal ramifications.
- Share notes with parents of other kids that were present at the party.
Know Your Responsibilities:
It is illegal to allow anyone under the age of 21 to drink alcohol on your property. You can be held liable both civilly and criminally if any person under the age of 21 has been drinking in your home. You are also responsible to ensure that no one is bringing drugs into your home or using drugs on the premises. Discuss rules and consequences for breaking rules with your teens often. Make sure they understand the dangers of drugs and alcohol and your no tolerance policy.
Hosting A Party?
Do you plan to host a party? Take these steps to prevent things from getting out of hand.
Going Out Of Town?
Planning a trip without your kids? Follow these guidelines to ease your mind.