When 13-year-old Dillon Reeves noticed his Michigan school bus driver’s head drop forward and her hands fall from the steering wheel, he raced to the front of the bus, turned the wheel to avoid hitting a car at the intersection, and hit the brakes.
Informed Families Catalyst
Topics: marijuana, brain development, social media, drugs, opioids, myths, fentanyl
Teens, Fentanyl, and Social Media—A Lethal Combination
Posted by Informed Families on May 20, 2023 at 4:36 PM
On Valentine’s Day, 2021, 19-year-old Logan Rachwal had an argument with his girlfriend and popped what he thought was Percocet, a painkiller that he bought on the social media app Snapchat. Logan fell asleep and never woke up.
Topics: marijuana, brain development, social media, drugs, opioids, myths, fentanyl
Shattering the Myth of Marijuana’s 'Harmlessness'
Posted by Informed Families on May 15, 2023 at 10:58 PM
These days, it seems marijuana use has become as acceptable as a glass of wine with dinner. In addition, more states have become enamored of the revenue that comes with legalizing and taxing the drug.
Topics: marijuana, brain development, drugs, opioids, myths, fentanyl
Running with half a dozen buddies in the early morning on New Year's Day, I asked a friend what she and her teen-aged children had done the night before. "Just stayed home and played Parcheesi," Danielle said. "Then the kids and I started to watch a movie, but I fell asleep on the couch in the living room."
"My kids and I stayed home too," I replied. "We played Dominoes and then they baked something that was almost edible. But I'm leaving out the word 'just.' I'm happy to hang out with my wife and children. The kids will be grown and gone soon enough."
As we trotted over tree roots on our way down toward Matheson Hammock, another running buddy joined the conversation: "You supercilious prig," Lynn began. "Not only are you living in a cave, you are harming your kids by not letting them go out from the damp, dark confines in the side of a cliff."
Topics: David Altshuler, parenting, marijuana legalization, marijuana, communication, brain development, family bonding