Safe Homes Smart Parties
Common sense parent tools
Common Sense Party tips
Take action by taking the Safe Homes Smart Parents pledge and check out our Common Sense Tips below about hosting a smart party, guidelines for attending parties and what to do if you are out of town
Is your teen attending a party? Here’s what you need to know to keep him/her safe.
Are you hosting a party for your pre-teen or teen? Take these steps to prevent things from getting out of hand.
Planning a trip without your kids? Follow these guidelines to ease your mind.

Take the Parent Report Card Challenge
Are you an involved parent? Click here to find out your score!
I pledge to do the following:
Set guidelines
Do not allow underage youth to drink alcoholic beverages or use tobacco or other drugs in our home or place of business
Be present at all pre-teen and teenage parties held in their homes to ensure that no drugs, alcohol or tobacco are present
Encourage future drug and alcohol free activities for underage youth
Spread the message to family and friends
Did You Know That Teens Are Dying from Binge Drinking?
Nearly 5,000 young people die each year from poisoning due to alcohol consumption.
The median age at which children begin drinking is 12 (NIDA, 2002). Young people who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin drinking at age 21. Will you help to change these statistics?
Spread the Message in Your Child's School or Community
Become an Informed Families Ambassador. Your promotion of this important message could save the life of a child in your community!