Visible & Invisible "Human Chains" Save Lives
To save a desperate, drowning family, 80 Florida citizens made a human chain on Panama City Beach in early July. What a beautiful reminder that by working together, we all have the power to keep children and families safe. News reports spoke of the dozens of beachgoers lining up in response to the desperate mother’s cries, organizing themselves by skill level, with the stronger swimmers in the deeper water and others standing closer to the shore.
A tragedy was prevented and the story spread like wildfire. Why? Because the story warmed our hearts. Who doesn’t love a story about a large group of complete strangers coming together to save children in danger?
That’s what Informed Families’ supporters do each year…they build a network of people to help kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free. Donors, volunteer Ambassadors, educators, counselors, parents, schools, law enforcement and community organizations form networks to take our four campaigns and prevention messages to schools, building safety nets for children across Florida.
And thanks to technology and social media, our outreach is both vast and personal. Please join hands with Informed Families to stop the opioid epidemic. There are many different ways you can help.Donate time, talent, and or treasure to build a safety net across Florida. How do you want to help?