Informed Families lost two cherished friends during the month of February.
Betty Chapman passed away on February 20th at the age of 98. Betty and her husband Alvah Chapman Jr. were among our first supporters and continued to provide support for our organization and mission throughout their lives.
The charitable legacy Betty left to the South Florida Community is immeasurable. We send our deepest condolences to her daughters, Dale Chapman Webb and Chris Hilton, and her grandchildren.
Herta Holly passed away on February 4th at the age of 81. Herta and her family are long-time donors and supporters. In her former role as Mayor of Miami Shores, she helped promote prevention in her community. We are very grateful for Herta's commitment to helping kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free.
We send our most sincere condolences to her children, Bill & Allison Holly, Jack Holly and Edward & Holly Holly, as well as her seven beloved grandchildren.