
Informed Families Catalyst

President's Message - August 2016

Posted by Peggy B. Sapp, President & CEO on August 20, 2016 at 2:11 PM

Peggy_Sapp_headshot_2010_smallBuilding A Drug Prevention Network Across Florida

Today, there is a Heroin Epidemic sweeping across America. All of our plans, dreams, and hopes for educating children can be swept away by this Epidemic. How do we face and fight this heroin Epidemic to assure the future of Florida’s children?

No one wants their child to become a drug addict, yet we are all overwhelmed with many demands and problems. There is little time to work on one of our most important goals: Defeating the drug problem.

We must join TOGETHER, creating CRITICAL MASS and a NETWORK to deliver consistent messages across Florida and across America to turn the tide of this epidemic.

Joining together sounds easy but it is not easy. Working together can be complicated and time consuming, thus we frequently avoid it.

Since working together is essential; Informed Families/The Florida Family Partnership is making it simple to join together and deliver effective messages to our children.


When businesses want to sell a product or an idea, they advertise; they have big budgets, they plan and design, then they purchase placement and positioning in select media to reinforce their message. Schools and non-profits don’t have big budgets to buy placement, but we have something more powerful…broad base grassroots support and word of mouth: the most effective form of advertising. Schools and Parents want to “help kids grow up safe, healthy, and drug free” but with budget cuts, we must become better partners.

Informed Families has a 35-year track record delivering fun, interactive and effective health messages. We are the founders of the Annual Red Ribbon Campaign, October 23-31, which is one of the four campaigns select schools across Florida are already delivering year-round through a partnership with Informed Families.  

4_Campaigns_-_Accordian.pngHere are two ways to partner with Informed Families this year:

1. Name an Informed Families’ School Ambassador, typically a PTA member, educator or counselor at the school who will take our materials and deliver them to students and families during our four campaigns. He or she will be given all the tools they need for year-round prevention at the school. If you are a school administrator, name your ambassador here. If you are a PTA member, educator or counselor and are interested in becoming an Ambassador, sign up here.

2. Put our four campaigns on your school’s website (top right hand corner) to get the message out to more parents and families. Campaign buttons on school websites deliver a simple message and offer students, parents and teachers the opportunity to discover tips, tools, research and what they can do to help kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free. Simply sign up here and you’ll be given everything you need to give to your school webmaster.

We look forward to working together during the 2016-2017 school year and beyond to help Florida’s children grow up safe, healthy and drug free.



Topics: President's Message, red ribbon, ambassadors, campaigns, children, teacher tools, drug prevention, parents, ambassador

About Us

We teach people how to say no to drugs and how to make healthy choices. To reduce the demand for drugs, Informed Families has focused its efforts on educating and mobilizing the community, parents and young people in order to change attitudes. In this way we counteract the pressures in society that condone and promote drug and alcohol use and abuse. The organization educates thousands of families annually about how to stay drug and alcohol free through networking and a variety of programs and services .

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