Why Simple Things Really Do Make A Difference
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the Annual Conference of the Institute of Coaching at Harvard Medical School. What’s the latest? We are all stressed, the world is spinning faster and we feel a loss of control, which is creating more anxiety. We live in a VUCA world…VUCA is an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.
Some simple things to know are:
1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. EVERYONE IS EXPERIENCING this rapid rate of change and uncertainty.
2. Don’t try to keep up or get ahead of the curve. Learn how to live effectively.
3. Put down and turn off the screens. We are driving OURSELVES CRAZY. Who said you had to respond to every email, tweet, and message?
4. Do Mindful meditation for yourself and with your family…there are proven health results.
We are a society addicted to experts, silver bullets and having the right answer, but the new research is showing that the expert is YOU. Being in Community with others is critical for health and wellness – and the first community we have is our family. We have an immunity to change; we tell ourselves something, but do something else. Yet, by spending time with ourselves and our families, we start to find meaningful answers.